Thursday, February 4, 2021

similarities between hardware and software

 similarities between hardware and software:

We all know what Agile is and what software development means; then start by defining what we mean by hardware and firmware development. The term "software" refers to devices or electronic devices to which hardware or software has been added. For example, machines, phones, and other communication technologies; motors; computers; medical devices; ASIC (specific integrated circuits), and so on. Similarly, "hardware development" is the development of resources for development tools.)

Relationship between software development and software:

It has practices: users and the product interact in different ways, the product interacts with other products, as well as with the products that produce the inputs provided to them.
They have activity (eye to eye) and inactivity (not eye).
Complexity: Every choice in the product description gives Woody a look where the key elements are well defined and well defined.

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